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This is based on a true story. My intention is to make this into a short film. Let me know if any of you out there can relate! I give you "The Couple"

The Couple

Drop in on a couple sitting in a car early evening. Sophia is in the passenger seat and Max is behind the wheel. The car is still parked and there is a tension in the air you couldn’t even cut with a knife, you would need a chain saw, a power hammer and a picture of Jack the Ripper to rupture the stiffness.  Sophia hadn’t seen Max in over a week and was hoping to lay naked with him at some point before dawn. She bought a new pair of black high heels and wore tight gray jeans in the hopes of enticing Max after his long flight from California which included 2 lay overs.
The last thing on Max’s mind was her stiletto heels and freshly died fake blonde hair. He was tired, he was pensive and he just needed a few laughs to relieve him of his over thinking mind. Sophia, being the unreserved damsel that she was looked into his mesmerizing dark eyes and gushed.

I am so happy to see you

Yeah, Yeah me too ( he says disassociated rubbing his left eye and yawning)
Where do you want to eat?
Before Sophia can answer, Max is delivering his first and not his last biting remark of the evening. At least this is how Sophia sees it in her mind.

(Looking down at Sophia’s shoes )
Your toes are just jammed in there.(He mimics her toes being squashed in the front of her pumps and scrunches his face in pain)
They are not. These shoes are adorable.
They look ridiculous. They are obviously too tight and why are you trying to be tall anyway? You are short stop trying to be something you are not. Come on now.
Sophia is automatically transported to the 5th grade when she wore a new pair of wedges and cropped pants and all the boys in class chanted “big butt, pigs in a blanket feet”
She swallows and snaps out of it. She discreetly pulls a pair of flat sandals from her pocketbook. Slips off the tainted foot coverings and replaces them.
   Max starts the car and a romantic French song pops on with the engine. Sophia finds a smile on her face because she always loves Max’s choice of music, always eclectic. Just as she loves his northern sense of style which reminds her of guys from home. She turns to him hoping this will turn the weirdness around and reaches to touch his exposed tan bicep.

Do you see that? I didn’t work out for a week and my muscles are gone, depleted, nothing, gone. I worked so hard on my body and look, it betrays me in 7 days time. Unbelievable look at this.
Max flexes his bicep and holds his arm out to show Sophia. She thinks he is crazy he looks just as hot as he always does and in her opinion his muscles were there and looking good.
I don’t know what you are talking about you look great. I mean if you really feel like that just go work out you will get a pump back in no time.
You’re telling me you don’t notice a difference? There is a significant difference. (He looks at her disgusted at the fact that she could not recall exact circumference of his bicep, tricep ratio) Alright I am driving now tell me where you want to eat. I’m not hungry but you said you were, so what do you want?
Max is clearly agitated this makes Sophia’s palms sweat. Max’s unhappiness only triggers her low self esteem and issues of abandonment. She starts to fidget and bite her pinky. It all started when her dad left her and her mom to pursue his dream of teaching interpretive dance to recovering nymphomaniacs.
Ummm  How about Scotty’s?
Scotty’s really? A sports Bar? What are you going to get wings and beer? You’re better than that.
What? They have good salads there and it is a friendly vibe. What’s wrong with wings and beer anyway?
Friendly vibe? Oh okay what are you gonna watch a football game too now?
He smirks and chuckles.
His sarcasm about her neighborhood bar is so lofty she takes it as a direct hit to her character. Sophia stares out of the car window shaking her head and sighing.
How about Sushi
No not in the mood.
Italian? Like, Valentino’s
No too heavy. I told you I need to build my muscles back up, not fat cells. I mean look at these arms, totally deflated. AND I told you,I am not really hungry. Just came to take you to get what you want to eat.
Sophia is clearly getting frustrated. Her cheeks are red and Max’s madcap driving has her so tightly wound she would jump at the sound of a feather dropping.
AHH! You asked if I was hungry I assumed we would eat together. SO, what are you are going to do watch me eat and just sit there? AND anyway every place I suggested you shot down. What the hell?
If you didn’t feel like hanging out you should have just told me. It’s cool you could just take me home.
What are you talking about I wanted to see you, I missed you. I am just tired. I just came back from wrapping an amazing project and I have a lot on my mind. BUT I did still manage to get to you and I want to take you to eat something. (He grabs her hand and kisses it) Now hurry up pick a place! What am I gonna keep driving around until  the sun comes up?
Sophia doesn’t know if she should laugh, cry or pull his finely trimmed beard hair out one by one with her teeth.
Let’s just go to El Guapo’s then alright, it is right down the road.
(Grimacing) You sure? That’s where you want to go? El guapo’s that’s your final choice? Because there are so many other places..
No, Yes let’s just go there please.
One thing that always impresses Sophia no matter what is going on, on any given day they may be together is the fact that Max ALWAYS opens and closes her car door for her.
They pull into a spot right in front of the restaurant. Max gets out and ever so sweetly opens Sophia’s door and takes her hand to help her out of the car. Sophia thinks again, maybe this is where the night will turn around.
Are you sure you want to eat here? I don’t know man, do you actually like good food or not?      

It is just as well because El Guapo’s is closed for renovations. That is what the sign in the window says.

See this place is closed they probably were shut down. I told you this place wasn’t up to par.
Well better start thinking of another place to go.
Sophia is just silent. Max opens her car door and she gets in. Max gets back behind the wheel.

Well what?

 where do you want to go
I don’t know
Do you know anything?
Yeah, I know you’re being a dick. What the fuck is your problem?  I really missed you and couldn’t wait to see you and you are being a complete asshole.
I’m not being an asshole I just want you to pick a place to eat.
OH MY GOD I picked fucking 10 places to eat and you hated all of them AND you are not even eating.
DO you have any gum?!
GUM? Yeah I always have gum, you never have gum. You see what I mean. Why don’t you carry gum if you know you always want gum. YET you never have it. I have to be your supplier of gum at all times.
Sophia keeps looking straight ahead, cracking her knuckles and promising herself this will be the last time she sees Max. The high of this Liaison had made Sophia so blinded with puppy love she had managed to ignore the lows of their courtship.
So where are we going?
You know what just take me home. I have had enough.
Oh come on. I don’t want to take you home. I am in such a bad mood. I have so much on my mind. I need to pack up all my stuff , For the move. I have to feel guilty because I am leaving friends and family behind. I needed you to just help me escape for tonight. Be fun, be funny like you usually are. Can’t you just make me laugh? Change the subject? What the fuck?

Sophia is holding back tears . She isn’t sure why she is being so sensitive tonight. It could be the fact that Max is going to exit her world soon to take that job. And even though she swore she would never get attached, that she could keep it light and fun it wasn’t turning out to be the case.
Just take me home. (She looks at Max like a little girl who had her fundip stolen away by an obese bully named Wanda and Max can not handle it and reprimands her like the child she is portraying.
Don’t look at me like you are going to cry, please. Not tonight I can’t handle it.
You are being so mean I can’t handle it.
OH MAN! I am great  like 97% of the time. I have one bad day and you just want to cut me off? What the hell is that? Don’t I make you laugh? Don’t we have fun?


Yes. But still I just want you to take me home I can’t see you anymore.
So you are a disconnector? You’re a DISCONNECTOR. You are just going to permanently disconnect.. Hello, Hello oh it’s a dial tone because she fucking hung up!
 Yes Max I am a disconnector, that’s right? Sophia puts her hands to her ear gesturing as if she is talking into a phone..  Hello?! Hello? I can’t here you, you’re breaking up?!! My phone hung up, uh we are disconnected!!!!!! Just take me home!
They drive back to Sophia’s apartment veiled in silence except for the romantic French music that is being played from the ipod. Max delivers Sophia back to her house as per her request. As usual he still gets out and opens her car door for her. She starts to walk away not even making eye contact. Max slams the trunk down hard and she turns around fast. He is holding a box and some blank canvas.

I wanted to give these to you. You always said you wanted to paint so I wanted to be the one who gets you started on your way.
Sophia had only mentioned this to Max one time briefly. She completely melted over his thoughtful gesture. But still remained stone faced.
Let me just carry this up the stairs for you.
Max places the supplies on her porch and turns to leave.  Sophia blocks Max’s way by holding up her stiletto heels to his face. Max grins and takes the shoes gently from Sophia’s hands and throws them into the street with all his might. Sophia eyeballs Max with her mouth ajar. Max quickly grabs her and pulls her into him. HE kisses her so ravenously Sophia is woozy and had to hold on extra tight so her knees would not give out. He kisses her like it was to be the last time their lips would ever meet. All of a sudden two stray barking dogs run into the street and pick up the shoes and run off with them. The two hear the ruckus and witness the abduction of those stupid heels.
Max grabs Sophia’s hands and they laugh together.
I am starving want to go get something to eat?


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